Kirby had never eaten toes before.

—Kevin Smith

There are 8 comments in this article:

  1. 1/18/2009Maulie says:

    Pure win.

  2. 1/20/2009kenny says:

    is this the kevin smith?? from view askew productions?

  3. 3/21/2009Elin & Niole says:

    THIS IS AMAZING. It’s my personal fav – along with “Unaware, Grandma stepped onto the tracks…”

  4. 10/14/2009Dave says:

    Kenny, I personally knew 2 Kevin Smiths and neither one was the one from View Askew. I imagine it’s a firly common name.

  5. 10/16/2019A PERSO0N says:

    um, this is kinda creepy

  6. 10/27/2019Mace says:

    wow, this is deep. (imagine, Kirby eating people)

  7. 10/27/2019Mace says:

    wow, this is deep. (imagine, Kirby eating people)

  8. 5/15/2023Herbert Fields says:

    If so, who is Kevin Smith? from askew productions, view? penalty kick online

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