Drop dead gorgeous. Fantastic. I love the cryptic-ness-ism (?)
5/21/2009Bea says:
Brilliant! Had to think hard for a moment there…lol
10/21/2009Tristan says:
My interpretation: Incredible measurements for a woman = extremely high blood pressure = a dire need for medical assistance
10/25/2009Edwood says:
lol… this story’s about Marilyn Monroe… 38-24-36= her dress size.. 180/120 was her blood pressure… she died…
4/18/2010Julian says:
Brilliant story. The ambiguousness has an interesting effect because although the interpretation that the first three numbers are a dress size makes sense, I interpreted these numbers to be a combination for a lock, in which case this story would be describing a robbery (the unlocking of a lock, a high BP from nervousness, and cops being called in response).
Either way, it’s brilliant.
6/10/2012Evonne says:
It sounds like s psychotic killer, or just an old man watching porn.
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