Jackson dead; Culkin unavailable for comment.


There are 7 comments in this article:

  1. 6/26/2009Name says:

    Reports are in. Jackson did not die from cardiac arrest but infact from food poisoning. Apparently he received such poisoning from eating an 11 years old boy’s d**k.

  2. 6/28/2009Name says:

    I hear McDonalds is going to make a burger after him. Its going to be 50 year old meat inside of 10 year old buns.

  3. 6/28/2009Name says:

    I guess since his body was made out of 90% plastic they are going to melt him down and make legos so kids can play with him for a change.

  4. 6/28/2009Name says:

    Farrah Fawcett died and went to heaven. She met God and he granted her one wish. She asked for all the children in the world to be safe. So he killed Micheal Jackson.

  5. 7/3/2009New Six Word Story | drakegta.com says:

    […] Jackson dead; Culkin unavailable for comment. :Macaulay Culkin, Michael Jackson, Short Short Story, Six Word Stories Share and Enjoy: […]

  6. 3/4/2010mumnmgr says:

    Not even a good story. MJ was a good man subjected to the media feeding frenzy and other money grubbing folks who started the boy stories. RIP MJ, cuz you don’t have to deal with stupidity as evidenced here.

  7. 8/30/2010OanaZavoranu says:

    People think they know me, but they don

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