Streets full of water. Please advise.

—Robert Benchley

While visiting Venice for the first time, writer and humorist Robert Benchley sent this gag telegram to Harold Ross, his editor at The New Yorker.

There are 7 comments in this article:

  1. 11/29/2010Post-Wrath, Pre-Cataclysm | Phase 3: Profit ! says:

    […] -Telegram from journalist/humorist Robert Benchley to his editor at the New Yorker, upon Benchley’s first visit to Venice, Italy. […]

  2. 12/25/2010Post-Wrath, Pre-Cataclysm | Autoblog Title says:

    […] Telegram from journalist/humorist Robert Benchley to his editor at the New Yorker, upon Benchley’s first visit to Venice, Italy. […]

  3. 12/25/2010Post-Wrath, Pre-Cataclysm | WoW Gold Magic says:

    […] Telegram from journalist/humorist Robert Benchley to his editor at the New Yorker, upon Benchley’s first visit to Venice, Italy. […]

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