Special Olympics batting tee throws no-hitter.

—Drew B.

There are 7 comments in this article:

  1. 5/21/2010Kenn Hoekstra says:

    I think I would have said “Special Olympics batting tee pitches shutout.” I’d consider “no-hitter” to be two words.

    I laughed, though. Good one.

  2. 5/22/2010pamd says:

    sorry, i think it is cruel.

  3. 6/2/2010Matt bowers says:

    Lol couldn’t stop laughing. Mean but hillarios!!!!!!!!

  4. 6/2/2010Matt bowers says:

    Lol couldn’t stop laughing. Mean but hillarious!!!!!!!!

  5. 8/9/2010Onion Ripoff says:

    This is just a ripoff from the Onion. It appeared as one of the sidebar headlines with no story, but it was phrased as “Special olympics T-ball stand pitches perfect game”.

  6. 8/26/2010moju says:

    He’s right about the onion ripoff. Boo.

  7. 12/30/2010Leslie says:

    Two words. Fuck you.

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