One bullet. Ten enemies. Kills himself.

—Xia Chen Hao

There are 6 comments in this article:

  1. 8/28/2012Aaron says:

    Awesome. This story embiggens the spirit of the 6 word story more than any other I have read.

  2. 10/16/2012bigim says:

    Embiggens? Embigims.

  3. 12/11/2012Anon says:

    Going down the beta way.

  4. 1/14/2013theLieGuy says:

    Embiggens is a perfectly cromulent word.

  5. 10/9/2013Stories in Exactly Six Words | Ramisa the Authoress says:

    […] One bullet. Ten enemies. Kills himself. —Xia Chen Hao […]

  6. 3/8/2018Ochen says:


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