Last man on earth. Hears knock.

—Pete Berg

There are 17 comments in this article:

  1. 1/12/2009John says:

    Epic. You sir are a genius.

  2. 1/12/2009Farrukh says:

    Wah! I salute you,

  3. 1/12/2009karen says:

    wow! i wish it was longer.. it´s great!

  4. 1/12/2009tyler says:

    You copied this: “A woman is sitting in her old, shuttered house. She knows that she is alone in the whole world; every other thing is dead. The doorbell rings.” Its one of the shortest stories ever written and its credited to Thomas Bailey Aldrich

  5. 1/12/2009Pete says:

    Yeah, it was a retelling of that story, though I never heard that exact version… I found a version of this with about 15 words on a forum somewhere and shortened it to six.

    But I definitely can’t take credit for it!

  6. 1/13/2009katie says:

    one of my favorites. copied or not. it’s a great idea.

  7. 1/13/2009Kevin Domanico says:

    Peter Berg you magnificent bastard. What are the odds that I stumbleupon something you did? Way to go.

    I like it.

  8. 1/13/2009Thought for the Day #52 « Raptureponies says:

    […] Thought for the Day #52 Posted on January 13, 2009 by raptureponies Last man on earth. Hears knock. […]

  9. 1/13/2009Anar Bailey says:

    This is amazing. I am asleep


  10. 1/15/2009veggen says:

    “Last man on earth. Hears knock.”
    It was one of the 3 billion women still left on earth.

  11. 1/19/2009Blue says:

    [@ veggen]
    Haha. Fantastic.

  12. 2/6/200914 year old cryptic girl says:

    good one veggen!

  13. 2/28/2009Iris says:

    She opens her newspaper, is shocked.

  14. 3/1/2009Phersu says:

    I thought it was by Fredric Brown!

  15. 3/4/2009Jeremiah says:

    Was it the last Woman?

  16. 9/30/2009John McKusick says:


  17. 10/16/2012Tomasz says:

    Just copied Fredric Brown’s short story “Knock”. “The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door…” Not cool man.

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