Friday: Hired! Weekend debauchery! Monday: Fired.

—Mike Lurie

There are 6 comments in this article:

  1. 9/11/2009Timothy Stone says:

    That’s only five words.

  2. 9/12/2009Jamie Thomas says:

    Yeah seriously, how did this make it onto the page?

  3. 9/13/2009Mr Kashmir says:

    this one should go like : friday hired weekend wasted monday fired …

  4. 9/14/2009draven says:

    like kashmir said must have done some drunk call a person
    and it is only 5 words who watches this page

  5. 9/14/2009Mike Lurie says:

    It’s funny…I submitted it and quickly realized my mistake. I tried to send another one with 6 words, but the site wasn’t working…then I forgot. Strange that this one made it…

  6. 9/15/2009Pete says:

    Fixed! Added the word “DEBAUCHERY” at Mike’s request, heheh.

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