Optimist drowns in half full bathtub.


There are 11 comments in this article:

  1. 11/3/2010Prattle Assassin says:


  2. 11/5/2010Sean Pravica says:

    Goddamn that’s clever!

  3. 11/9/2010Victoria says:

    Kudos to you! This one was good.

  4. 11/29/2010Tyler says:

    I wish I was half that clever

  5. 12/2/2010Gene says:

    It immediately conjures up another: “Pessimist drowns in half empty bathtub.”

  6. 1/26/2011Marc says:

    That is superb. Well done!

  7. 3/22/2011Tim Westwood says:

    Alas, Gene, to me at least, this story rather “immediately conjures” this following story:

    “Pessimist overcomes asphyxiation. Lungs; half vacuous.”

  8. 6/21/2011Deepu says:

    clever…! :)

  9. 11/11/2011Nate Kabariti says:

    Dark yet clever. My favorite.

  10. 2/17/2013Social Media: Promoting Concise Writing? – Digital Creativity & Expression Spring 2013 says:

    […] (source: http://www.sixwordstories.net/2010/11/optimist-drowns-in-half-full-bathtub/) […]

  11. 11/30/2013George B says:

    Glass half fool, fool half ass!

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