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The original submission page is here, along with the 5,600+ stories that were submitted up until July, 2009. We had to create a new one because the comments got maxed out.

There are 18,550 comments in this article:

  1. 7/17/2020supercarrot says:

    We’re vines, craving sun and holds.

  2. 7/19/2020surrounded yet lonely says:

    her baby: my surname, his eyes

  3. 7/20/2020Dhruvraj Bundela says:

    I was encaptivated; She looked amazing!

  4. 7/20/2020Dhruvraj Bundela says:

    What is Magic ? Maybe, her eyes.

  5. 7/20/2020supercarrot says:

    Tiny steps up a big mountain…

  6. 7/27/2020Scott Moroschan says:

    Woman screams, man shits his pants!

  7. 8/1/2020Tannyyy! says:

    Another forever, recur wid another girl!

  8. 8/1/2020Rajwardhan Patil says:

    So lost into her, forgot myself!

  9. 8/2/2020Stephan Raab says:

    Find your path by getting lost.

  10. 8/2/2020Heath says:

    He clutched her t-shirt and sobbed.

  11. 8/4/2020B. G. Myers says:

    Mama cooks, but she ain’t cleanin’.

  12. 8/6/2020Valentina Gonzalez says:

    Only child, except for two brothers.

  13. 8/6/2020Valentina Gonzalez says:

    Found the money. Skipped the divorce.

  14. 8/6/2020Valentina Gonzalez says:

    He’s twenty years younger. She smiles.

  15. 8/6/2020Valentina Gonzalez says:

    Happy 39th birthday again, again, AGAIN!

  16. 8/9/2020Charles Crawford says:

    Aliens made pyramids. Humans took credit.

  17. 8/10/2020MrLewk says:

    There she was, just standing… here.

  18. 8/10/2020MrLewk says:

    Sitting under the tree, I died.

  19. 8/12/2020Xavier R Goring says:

    Butterflies fly until they can not.

  20. 8/12/2020Madhav Bhattarai says:

    She’s Tired of thinking, about “Overthinking”.

    she saw Humans, But not Humanity.

    Are You alive. or just existing ?

    Beyond crowds. and the city lights.

    she has mind, full of elsewhere.

  21. 8/13/2020Preacher says:

    Like father, like son. Like forever.

  22. 8/13/2020Preacher says:

    Goodbye and sorry. A simple note.

  23. 8/14/2020Matthew Hartter says:

    You suck at it!

  24. 8/24/2020Adam says:

    Wait, What?? Oh, it actually worked

  25. 8/24/2020Darren B. says:

    Father dead, no more hard work.

  26. 8/25/2020Maggie says:

    Days pass, same as the next

  27. 8/30/2020Walt Baranger says:

    It’s National Lower Colon Appreciation Day!

  28. 9/1/2020shakesbeer says:

    Head, shoulders, knees, toes. Zombie bingo.

  29. 9/3/2020Rhiannon Taylor-Bell says:

    “For the rest of forever, Songbird.”

  30. 9/3/2020Jay Judah says:

    Eyes can’t see what mirrors hide.

  31. 9/3/2020Jay Judah says:

    When I must think, I can’t.

  32. 9/5/2020Hana says:

    Going, going, gone, now and forever.

  33. 9/5/2020Hana says:

    Dark basement. By myself. Another voice.

  34. 9/5/2020Hana says:

    Feels all too human for an android.

  35. 9/5/2020Hana says:

    Feels too human for an android.

  36. 9/5/2020Hana says:

    Church bells, for two opposite reasons.

  37. 9/5/2020Hana says:

    We all mourn, for someone unknown.

  38. 9/5/2020Hana says:

    Eyes, always inquisitive. Now they’re empty.

  39. 9/5/2020Calla C says:

    Cheshire smile, sparkling eyes. Sinister vibe.

  40. 9/5/2020Calla C says:

    Warm hands, cold heart, my reflection.

  41. 9/5/2020Calla C says:

    The lilies are no longer white.

  42. 9/5/2020Calla C says:

    I wonder, because nobody else will.

  43. 9/5/2020Five says:

    Spoke your language. Didn’t learn mine.

  44. 9/5/2020Five says:

    “Any last words?” “You’ll never listen.”

  45. 9/6/2020ashley hess says:

    “Just available: the last innocent soul.”

  46. 9/7/2020Katharina W. says:

    She had no luggage with her.

  47. 9/9/2020Eileen Mardres says:

    Street was quiet. Then hearing aids.

  48. 9/10/2020esme says:

    who? what? why? where? dead silence.

  49. 9/13/2020Christine Richardson says:

    Courtship. Marriage. Divorce. Change partners. Repeat.

  50. 9/14/2020Anya says:

    Why do I want to die?

  51. 9/14/2020Nobody says:

    remember when I was still alive

  52. 9/14/2020anon says:

    love; like russian roulette for two.

  53. 9/15/2020Kevin kaeirwen Z. says:

    With an empty album, he dies.

  54. 9/15/2020daisy says:

    why am I so broken inside?

  55. 9/16/2020can says:

    Alexa, change Frank’s contact to “Dad”.

  56. 9/16/2020Molly Roden Winter says:

    That time we both dated mediums.

  57. 9/16/2020Molly Roden Winter says:

    My secret? Two boyfriends. One husband.

  58. 9/18/2020anon says:

    Why wasn’t I asked to go?
    Mistake, heatbreak, she’s fake, bad friends

  59. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:

    “Need… mirror!”
    “For what? You’re invisible.”

  60. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:

    “Not you, the rocket.”

  61. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:

    “Right before you.”
    “Excuse-” Poof.

  62. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:

    Count down…
    “Fuel disconnected!”

  63. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:

    Cars—horse-carts— animals—rolling-wood—labor—telekinesis

  64. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:


  65. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:

    Heads turn. Sighs.
    “My dish!”

  66. 9/24/2020Alicia Yau says:


  67. 9/25/2020Grace Demaio says:

    Broken ladybug. Half yellow, half orange.

  68. 9/25/2020a human says:

    push them off, no longer suicide.

  69. 9/25/2020Somebody says:

    It’s the passive-aggresive raven: “nevermind”.

  70. 9/25/2020anon says:

    Sometimes enough is more than enough!✊🏿

  71. 10/5/2020Nakyah Savage says:

    I’m in pain, but only sometimes

  72. 10/5/2020Nakyah Savage says:

    She almost died, he almost cared

  73. 10/5/2020Nakyah Savage says:

    are you alive, or just living?

  74. 10/5/2020Nakyah Savage says:

    i let you use me until,

  75. 10/5/2020Magnus Wickem says:

    They pulled the plug. Life ensued.

  76. 10/7/2020Tuva says:

    I can’t leave now, I’m involved

  77. 10/7/2020Julia says:

    President found dead, hand painted red.

  78. 10/9/2020Amethyst says:

    Sorry, saying it & meaning it

  79. 10/12/2020Charli says:

    Ugly. Her. Fat. Weird. Dumb. Dead.

  80. 10/15/2020destinnie says:

    Your speech is limited when harming

  81. 10/15/2020Adam says:

    roses smell bitter when with you

  82. 10/21/2020Chris Callahan says:

    Ashes to ashes, body to science

  83. 10/21/2020Anon says:

    Where do you go to hide?

  84. 10/22/2020Daniele Imperi says:

    Along a trouble road: just life.

  85. 10/25/2020Pan Jiang says:

    She loved him. He loves her.

  86. 10/30/2020Pratham Agarwal says:

    “Here Lies Houdini”, lied the epitaph.

  87. 10/30/2020DianeB says:

    Museum dinosaurs aren’t alive at night.

  88. 10/30/2020DianeB says:

    Juncos spotted in backyard. Winter’s here!

  89. 10/30/2020DianeB says:

    I question alcohol billboards along highways.

  90. 11/4/2020AshH says:

    Mickey mouse lures us into clubhouse

  91. 11/5/2020Angus Burns says:

    Uncovering mysterious artefacts, now cursed eternally.

  92. 11/5/2020Angus Burns says:

    Explosions everywhere, then silence and peace.

  93. 11/5/2020Angus Burns says:

    Who tortured them all? I did!

  94. 11/5/2020Angus Burns says:

    It’s alive! It’s escaped! Not her!

  95. 11/5/2020Yaka says:

    The pain in avoiding painful thoughts.

  96. 11/9/2020Liyi says:

    I was young, but never soft.

  97. 11/10/2020Space Eggies says:

    The eggs have hatched… Abandon ship!

  98. 11/15/2020Jaywalker says:

    COVID hits. Together, we scatter alone.

  99. 11/17/2020Barney Pike says:

    Never, ever say this: MORE COWBELL!

  100. 11/18/2020Fra3vi says:

    No trespassing they read, she did.

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